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NSS & LEO Club

The 3 Leo clubs organized a cleaning drive on 7th august 2017

The 3 Leo clubs viz. Leo Club Of Bangalore Host New Horizon, Bangalore Host Neozonites Tempus and Bangalore Host Neozonites Locus organized a cleaning drive on 7th august 2017 at Shaheed Hemu Kalani Block, NHC-M. They volunteered to take over the sweeping and mopping work of the house keeping staff. They cleaned the classrooms and corridors collectively. Each club took charge of one floor. Armed with their brooms and mops, they managed to clean the entire block for the evening.

They thanked the staff for ensuring cleanliness on a daily basis.

The idea behind the project was to convey a sense of gratitude towards the housekeeping staff, give them a break from their routine work and understand the importance of cleanliness.