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Rhythm (Dance and Rap)

Date: 01/07/2022

Time: 2:30 pm                                                                    

Title of the Event: Rhythm (Dance and Rap)

Target Audience: All students of BBA, BCom & BCA Kasturinagar &Marathahalli)

Venue: Main Quadrangle

Organized by: Human Rights Protection Cell

Event Cell Head: Ms. Serah Sudhin

Event Coordinator: Ms. Ashwini Shedthi

Student Coordinator: Allan Sebestian, Meghana Nair, Priya Sahu, Vaishnavi,

About the Session/event:

 Human Rights Protection Cell of our college has organized a “Rhythm [Dance and Rap]” competition on 01/07/2022 in compliance with the theme “Our values and way of life will prevail – Terrorism will not”. The objective of the event was to nurture young minds to be active, humane and united citizens and also to educate the youth that you don’t have to take a life to get a life and that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. The cell invited students from the streams of BCA, B.Com and BBA to participate, rise up and compete in the competitions based on the themes and subthemes hosted on 1st July 2022. Total 8 individual Rap participants and 4 Dance teams have participated in the competition and showed the performance of their own unique creation [Rap] and Dance that reflected the sense of awareness that violence is a disease and you don’t cure a disease by spreading it to more people which highlighted the negative impacts of terrorism and economic destruction of property and lives. The students showed their creative talents in main quadrangle.

The occasion was hosted by Allan Sebestian of VI BCA and Harshika of II BBA .The judges for the event were Mr. Sahil Soman and Mr. Sahil Jangra [both are New Horizon College Alumni]. They judged both the competitions of Rhythm event based on several parameters. The competition was coordinated by Ms. Serah Sudhin and was successful in sharing the right thoughts towards a negatively conditioned issue, disseminate a message of peace, humanism, unity, and harmony amongst people.