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NSS & LEO Club

NSS activities 2017

19 th of july 2017 NSS unit of our college organized a special lecture on SOCIAL AWARENESS IN YOUTH for first year BBA & BCA students. Mr. Jacab Chako, founder of Sanman, NGO, was the resource person.

27 th of july 2017 NSS unit of our college organized a special lecture on SOCIAL AWARENESS IN YOUTH for first year Bcom students. Mr. Jacab Chako, Founder of sanman,NGO, was the resource pertson.

12-Jul-17 Blood donation camp held at our college with the support of NSS and Lions club Bangalore Host and Blood bank Vasanthanagar. 108 Units of blood was donated by our students and Teachers.

21st of August Our college NSS unit went to Lalbagh botanical garden for cleaning,70 Nss volunteers participated in the drive.

27-Oct-17 Student of our college attended one day workshop on road safety programme organized by marathalli traffic police department at park plaza hotel marathalli.