Turn Coat
Event Name:- Turn Coat
Date: 10-01-2024
Timings: 12:30-3:30
Target Audience: BBA, BCA & B.COM
Venue: Library Video Conference Room
Organized by: Literary Club
Club Head: Swastik Dash
Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Purva Paliwal
Student coordinator: Swastik Dash & Niraad Bhuva
No. of Participants: 16
Guest Details: N/A
Brief description of the event: An event where the participant will be given a specific topic on spot and they have to speak for or against the given topic for a limited amount of time and the judges will ask them to switch anytime, this also consists of two rounds.
Activities Conducted: N/A
1st – Keerthan BBA 5th Sem & Sumukh B.COM 3rd Sem
2nd – Shreya B.COM 5th Sem
3rd – Sashwath BCA 1st Sem