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The Human Rights Protection Cell recently celebrated World Human Rights Day

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The Human Rights Protection Cell recently celebrated World Human Rights Day by organizing a three-day programme. The main theme of the event was “Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All” with three different sub-themes: “Say no to Human Trafficking and Know Article 23,” “End to Untouchability (Article 17),” and “Abolition of Child Labour (Article 24).” To raise awareness about these sub-themes, the cell organized various competitions such as essay writing, open discussions, poster making, collage making, photography, and pencil sketching. The students showed great interest in these competitions, and the cell received a good number of participations. The motive behind these competitions was not only to provide a different perspective on these already familiar topics but also to help the students understand their increasing negative impacts on society. The competitions were a great success and were received with immense enthusiasm by both the participants and judges.

Collage Making

Open Discussion and Essay writing

Pencil Sketching

Poster making

Photography competition