The Dark Shade (PHOTOGRAPHY)

Name of the event: The Dark Shade (PHOTOGRAPHY)
Club: Photography Club
Date and time: 14th August 2018; 12:30 pmto 2:30pm.
Venue: Briefing in room no. 202 and event was conducted throughout campus
Judge: Mrs. Manjula P
Coordinators: Gokul TV
Sub-Coordinator: Shwetank Singh
Participants: 9

winner: SaiKaushik (BBA C)
1st runner up: Rahul Gautam (BCOM B)
2nd runner up: Joyel Reddy (BCA A)

Event Description: The Dark Shades a photography event. Participants were asked to click 5 pictures in B&W (monochrome) depicting a story. There was only 1 round of the event. Criteria of judgement were creativity, framing and composition. The time limit of the event was 2 hours. Participants were supposed to click pictures within the campus. There was no specific topic given to participants, they were free to show story of their choice. Participants were only allowed to crop and adjust the brightness in their pictures. Both mobile and camera photography were allowed. We received many creative entries and those were judged by the judge of the event Mrs. Manjula P. The event was conducted successfully with the help of members of NHSC and the teachers.