Scripted Realities

Event Name: Scripted Realities

Date: 21 October 2024

Timings: 8:50-2:30

Target Audience: BBA, BCA & BCOM

Venue: Tejas Seminar Hall

Organized by:  Adhya-Literary Club and Navarasa-Drama Club

Faculty Coordinator: Ms Purva Paliwal, Ms Suchitra Devi Prasad

Student coordinator: Niraad Bhuva(U19KU22S0022), Lenny Elizabeth Jacob(U19KU23S0078), Veshnu Suresh(U19KU23S0202), Tejas CB(U19KU22C0139)

No. of Participants: 19+29(volunteers)

Brief description of the event: The participants took an interest and made excellent scripts that they acted out. It was a team of two, where one had to narrate the script and one had to enact it. A few of the participants made their scripts fun and entertaining, while a few made their scripts emotional and thrilling. The event was a huge success with the collaboration of the Literary Club and the Drama Club. 

Activities Conducted: Club Event