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Parent Teacher Meeting - 31/01/2023

Date : 22/07/2023        

Time: 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

Title of the event  : Parent Teacher Meet    

Audience : All Semesters

Venue :All classrooms

Organized by : Parent- Teacher Cell

Faculty coordinator : Ms. Thanvi Kuttaiah I, Mr. Srirama M, Ms. Sowmya H L, Ms. Madhumita Nayak  

Student coordinator: T L Yogitha , Vemuri Bhagawanthi


Parent-Teachers association organized parent teachers meeting on 22/07/2023 in the college from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.  The main agenda of the meeting was to discuss the first internal exam results, preparatory exams and  overall performance of the students with their parents. A formal invitation was sent to all parents. All the classrooms were allocated for each class mentors from their respective department and semester to organize separate meetings with the parents.

About the meeting :

375 Parents joined the meeting and they got the chance to speak to the class mentor of their ward’s class and also met the subject faculty. Parents were presented with the students’ performance and their attendance status of the current semester. Students who scored less than 50 percentage marks were asked to compulsory make their parents meet the respective subject faculty to discuss a new methodology to improve.


The meeting was completed successfully by collecting the feedback from the parents.