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ORNISTA – National Bird’s Day Celebration

fd 6

Date: 10th January 2023
Time: 11:50 AM
Title of the Event: Ornista
Venue: Shaheed Hemu Kalani Block-Quadrangle
Organized by: Fashion Club Committee Head: Ms. Kampa Belliappa Club Head: Ms. Roopini J
Student Coordinator: Ms.Kajal Rajpurohit & Mr.Brijesh Jain

About the event:

The world is filled with a plethora of different species of birds. Birds have always held special place in our hearts, which is why we celebrate them on National Bird Day every January 5. To spread the facts and worth of the flying fantastic, Fashion Club of New Horizon College celebrated National Birds Day as “ORNISTA”. The word Ornista is the derived from the word Ornithology (Study of Birds) and Fashionista.

The goal of this event is to educate students on the destructive tendencies of the bird trade, the cruelty of bird breeding mills, and ideas for helping and improving the lives of birds that are already living in captivity.

The event was hosted by Ms.Harshika [ III sem BBA]. The Club Head is Ms.Roopini J, Assistant Professor, BCA. The event was coordinated with Committee Head Ms.Kampa Belliappa and cell members.

The student coordinators and volunteers of the Fashion Club gave the mesmerizing performances in which there was a social message related to the theme. Mr.Mukthar [III sem BCA ‘A’] delivered a talk on protection of birds lives, prevention of birds migration and unbelievable facts of the birds. Followed by, there was a stunning fashion show delivered by the fashion club team on the respective theme. The atmosphere of the fashion show became more pleasing with soothing colors and costumes presented on the ramp.