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New Horizon College: A Journey from Humble Beginnings to a Silver Jubilee Milestone

25 year of nhcm

New Horizon College, a name synonymous with excellence in education, has come a long way from its modest inception to the grand celebration of its silver jubilee. The journey of this prestigious institution is a testament to its vision, dedication, and unwavering commitment to fostering academic growth and holistic development.

NHC was awarded the most promising educational institution in Karnataka – 2016 for UG – Management, Commerce, and Computer Applications by higher education magazine.

The Humble Origins:

Little drops of water make the mighty ocean.

In the late 1990s, the New Horizon educational institutions moved a rung higher in their pursuit of excellence by moving into the higher education arena, after successfully pioneering High school education through its New Horizon Public School and then the New Horizon PUC. The first approved courses by Bangalore University were BSc Computer Applications and BBA. The college was housed on the higher floors of the public school premises with a small team of dedicated teachers. There was only one section of each course with a strength of forty students in each class. What began as a small, unassuming college with a handful of students has today transformed into a sprawling campus with thousands of learners seeking knowledge, skills, and personal growth.

Awarded with Grade A by NAAC.

The NAAC accreditation is both a token of pride and a symbol of responsibility to not only sustain these credible practices but to improve consistently to reach a better score in the next NAAC cycle.

A Legacy of Innovation:

In the year 2001, when the New Horizon College of Engineering was founded on the existing campus with state-of-the-art facilities, the college was shifted to one of the blocks here in Marathahalli. Since then, there has been no looking back. The BCom course was started in the year 2011 with 40 students and today stands at a strength of 200. The same is the case with BCA which was started in the year 2013 and has moved from 60 to 240 strength and BBA has become BBM with 30 students to 240 now.

The institute received Permanent Affiliation with Bengaluru North University in the year 2021

Throughout its journey, New Horizon College has consistently embraced innovation and adapted to the changing landscape of education. From the introduction of cutting-edge academic programs to the establishment of state-of-the-art facilities, the institution has always stayed ahead of the curve, anticipating the needs of its students.

25+ years of excellence

1339+ students


Value-added programs for industry readiness

A Commitment to Excellence:

New Horizon College has never compromised on quality. Its faculty, administrators, and staff have always strived for excellence, ensuring that every student is empowered with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their chosen fields. Every topic in every subject in the syllabus is taught not merely from the examination point of view but is approached with an eye for experiential and practical learning. Educational tours, industrial visits, presentations, and projects are an integral part of the curriculum, with role plays, drama, and personality sculpting being the skill takeaways.

Social and Community Services, the establishment of diverse student clubs, participating in various intercollegiate and state-level cultural and sports competitions, and the introduction of the first post-graduate MCom program are a few of the many milestones we have proudly accomplished to date. Their role is to tap into the potential of the students and create space for them to grow and become buoyant individuals. Grooming every graduate to be a confident, compassionate young adult physically, emotionally, socially, and economically suited to join the professional community waiting to welcome them has been our focus and intent always.

100% Admissions every year for the last five years.

Results have grown from a meager 40% to a 90% and above now.

Nurturing Leaders:

Over the years, New Horizon College has produced countless leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, and scholars who have made a mark on the world. The institution’s commitment to nurturing leadership skills and encouraging creativity has led to the emergence of alumni who have excelled in diverse domains. The alumni are the flagship ambassadors of any institution and NHC-M is no different. It is heartwarming and endearing to have our naughty playful students graduate and come back as seasoned professionals holding their poise and dignity.

A Silver Jubilee Celebration:

The 25th year marks a significant milestone in New Horizon College’s journey. As it celebrates its silver jubilee, the institution takes pride in its countless achievements, transformative educational experiences, and the impact it has had on the lives of its students and the community.

Looking to the Future:

As New Horizon College enters this new phase of its journey, it remains dedicated to its mission of providing excellent education and fostering holistic growth. The institution’s promise to novelty, quality, and nurturing leaders for the future continues to be unwavering.

What we aspire to in the coming years:

  1. Increase more UG courses
  2. To start foreign institute collaboration programs
  3. Establishment of full-fledged research center
  4. Facilitate student exchange programs
  5. 100% placement
  6. Enhance physical infrastructure in the form of more buildings
  7. MOUs with foreign industries/companies
  8. Build in more research culture
  9. Procure 100% results in all streams
  10. Further, improve NAAC grade in the coming cycle.

To sum up, New Horizon College’s story is one of growth, innovation, and steadfast commitment to educational excellence. From its humble beginnings to its silver jubilee moment, this institution has shaped the lives of many and will undoubtedly continue to do so for generations to come.

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