Drama Club
Navarasa drama club is a safe haven for emotions not from the heart but produced from the head. The telling of stories through precise expressions and movements. The quick turn of twists that leave you dizzy… Performances that bless your eyes.
Empowering confidence and compassion through the passion of acting and storytelling.
Accept new people, provide a safe space, expose them to a new world and build their personality and confidence. By the end of their college experience, any fear of people or stage would settle, and new opportunities would seem closer without any hesitation.
Teacher Coordinator
Ms. Suchitra Deviprasad
Student Council
- Mr. Tejas Baiju, Head
- Mr. Veshnu Suresh, Sub-Head
- Ms. Gayatri, Board Member
- Ms. Jaysri, Board Member
- Mr. Tejas V Board Member