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Minute Mania - Just a Minute

Date: 10th January, 2024       

Time: 12:30 pm- 2:30 pm

Title of the Competition: “MINUTE MANIA – JUST A MINUTE

Venue: Chankya Seminar Hall

Target Audience:  B.COM, BBA, BCA

Organized by: Commerce Club 

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. SERAH SUDHIN

Student Coordinator: Mr. Abhinav Pradeep, Ms. Sonu Kataria, Mr. David Samson

 About the event: 

Commerce Club in association with IQAC conducted an competition based on spontaneity, Subject knowledge, and teamwork for B.COM students.


  1. To help the students build team spirit.
  2. To help the students to develop competitive spirit.
  3. To help the students gain more knowledge and experience innovatively.
  4. To help the students develop time optimization.
  5. To help the students with confidence and potential to support individual learning.              

The Commerce Club in association with IQAC conducted an competition “MINUTE MANIA – Just A Minute” on 10.1.2024. The competition took place in Chanakya Seminar Hall. The competition was based on a topic given on the spot. The participants had thirty seconds to prepare and speak on the topic for a minute.  There were about twenty participants for the competition.

The judgment criteria were based on Content, Sentence Structure, Communication skills, Confidence, Clarify, and Time organization.

The winners of the competition were

1st place- Aadarsh. R 1st B.com A

2nd place- Madan RV 5th B.com B

3rd place- Mukesh 5th B.com B

3rd place- Shadra C 3rd B.com A


The students were able to develop a competitive spirit, communication skills, content, and time management. It also helped to overcome stage fear and learn various non-verbal gestures.