Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Nagaraju Kilari | HOD-BCA |
2 | Mr. Arun Raghu Babu | HOD-BBA |
3 | Ms. Kampa Belliappa | HOD-B.Com |
4 | Ms. Nanditha S Matad | Sr. Asst. Professor |
5 | Mr. D. Nagaraju | Sr. Asst. Professor |
6 | Ms. M. S Kokila | Sr. Asst. Professor |
7 | Ms. M Janaki | Sr. Asst. Professor |
8 | Ms.. Pallavi N | Sr. Asst. Professor |
9 | Ms. Sunitha S | Sr. Asst. Professor |
10 | Ms. Serah Sudhin | Sr. Asst. Professor |
11 | Ms. Sowmya H L | Sr. Asst. Professor |
12 | Ms. Namrata Awasthi | Sr. Asst. Professor |
13 | Dr. Shivani Nigam | Sr. Asst. Professor |
14 | Mr. Srirama M | Asst. Professor |
15 | Ms. Apoorva A | Asst. Professor |
16 | Ms. Saranya R S | Asst. Professor |
17 | Ms. Deepa Puranik | Asst. Professor |
18 | Ms. Suchitra Deviprasad | Asst. Professor |
19 | Ms. Jyoti H Shetty | Asst. Professor |
20 | Ms. Nishchitha B P | Asst. Professor |
21 | Ms. Ashwini N K | Asst. Professor |
22 | Ms. A Banu | Asst. Professor |
23 | Ms. Thanvi Kuttaiah I | Asst. Professor |
24 | Ms. M K Divya | Asst. Professor |
25 | Ms. Devaki S | Asst. Professor |
26 | Ms. Poornima H K | Asst. Professor |
27 | Ms. Madhumita Nayak | Asst.Professor |
28 | Ms. Purva Paliwal | Asst. Professor |
29 | Ms. Chaithra H N | Asst. Professor |
30 | Ms. Navya K N | Asst. Professor |
31 | Ms. Chaithra N | Asst. Professor |
32 | Ms. Preethu B R | Asst. Professor |
33 | Ms. Thangamani R | Asst. Professor |
34 | Ms. Aparupa Panigrahi | Asst. Professor |
35 | Ms. Ronicca M S | Asst. Professor |
36 | Dr. Hema Vidhya C S | Asst.Professor |
37 | Ms. Reena Purohit | Asst.Professor |
38 | Ms. Harshitha N | Asst. Professor |
39 | Ms. Sreya Harisree | Asst.Professor |
40 | Ms. Panchami R | Asst. Professor |
41 | Ms. Alka Sinha | Asst. Professor |
42 | Ms. Jennifer I | Asst. Professor |
43 | Ms. Meghana C N | Asst. Professor |
44 | Ms. Debopriya Kar | Asst. Professor |
45 | Ms. Kiruthiga R | Asst. Professor |
46 | Ms. Samraddi Naik(Visiting ) | Asst. Professor |
The aim of the faculty guidelines is to provide faculty members with a clear, accurate and comprehensive overview of functioning of the departments in the college. It is important that faculty members understand their rights as well as the limits to those rights and this guideline strives to make this clear.
Academic Guidelines
The syllabus prescribed by the Bangalore University should be followed. Collect the syllabus copy for the allotted subjects from the HOD’S of respective departments.
Class Conduction
- All the teachers have to follow the timetable given to them and go to the classes respectively.
- Teachers are requested to be inside the class at sharp 8.50 am.
- A class of one hour should be planned properly and conducted as per lesson plan.
- A buffering time of 10 minutes can be given to students to enter the class (applicable only to first hour) beyond which the teacher has all the rights to restrict them from entering the class.
- Teacher having consecutive classes can leave the class 5 minutes early and should go the next class on time.
- Total teaching hours should be as per university prescribed for each subject.
Attendance / Attendance Register
- All the teachers have to collect the attendance register from the concerned HOD’S on the re-opening day of the college.
- All the information related to subject, subject code, course, semester should be filled clearly in the appropriate columns.
- Entries in the register should be on cumulative basis.
- Date and signature should be clearly filled for each class.
- At the end of each month signature of principal and concerned HOD is to be taken.
- Absentees slip should be filled clearly and neatly specifying all the details in the appropriate columns. Avoid overwriting.
- Absentees slip should be handed over to the collecting agents personally.
- The marks allotted for internals & the assignment of each student should be entered in the Google spread sheet meant for the purpose.
- Attendance taken during internals should not be entered in the register.
- Dates in the lesson plan should coincide with the register.
Class Adjustments
- During planned leave all the classes are to be adjusted in advance so that your absence doesn’t hamper the functioning of the regular classes.
- All the faculties should look into the class adjustment register in the morning that is kept near biometrics to see if there is any extra class given to them and take the class accordingly.
- As per the university rule a student should be given five assignments for a semester. So all the faculties are requested to follow the same.
- Assignments written in the blue book should be corrected and evaluated.
- By the end of the semester all assignment books are to be collected from all students and marks are to be allotted and entered in the Google spread sheet.
- Internal test/exam question papers should be given to the administrator as per the prescribed format within the stipulated date.
- Two internals are to be conducted in a semester.
- Internal test/exam answer papers are to be evaluated and marks are to be entered in the Google spread sheet.
- Proper study materials should be given to students well before the commencement of internals.
Non – Academic Guidelines
Academic File
A file is to be collected on the opening day by the concerned HOD’s. The academic file should contain the following documents.
- Class and subject allotment sheet
- Individual time table
- Class timetable(applicable only for mentors)
- Calendar of events
- Syllabus copies of subjects handling
- Duly filled lesson plan for all the subjects allocated
- All the teachers have to complete the lesson plan within a week from the re-opening day.
- The lesson plan should contain the actual date on which the topic is taken has to be updated against the planned date at the end of the week without fail.
- Previous semester individual result analysis
- Internals timetable
- Sample question paper of internals for each subject
- Scheme of evaluation
Mentorship (Applicable only to class mentors)
- The mentor for I semester should fill all the general information about the candidate in the columns specified.
- Mentors for III semester and V semester have to enter the university examination marks at the earliest after receiving the result sheet from the university.
- All the mentoring records are to be updated after each internal examination
- The attendance status and the marks scored are to be duly entered after each internal examination.
- Counseling given to students at any point of time also should be duly recorded and signed.
- Any medical certificate given by the student to the class mentor should be forwarded to HOD and the same is to be filed only after the approval.
Teacher Mentor-Mentee
- A mentor teacher should conduct mentoring session to the mentee teacher at least twice in a semester. The report on the session should be prepared and filed with the HOD.
- A mentee is free to consult or take guidance from mentor whenever required.
- A teacher can avail the facilities in the library for teaching and research activities.
- Maximum of five books can be borrowed from the library for reference.
- Teacher with the consent of the HOD can suggest books to the library if finds necessary.
- Teachers involved in various committees should adhere to the roles and responsibilities given by the respective committee head.
- Teacher should render there full support for the committee.
Leaves & Vacation
- Teachers taking planned leave should fill the leave application in advance.
- If a planned leave is taken the concerned faculty should adjust the classes and mention the adjustments in the leave form.
- A separate sheet clearly mentioning the timing and name of faculty with whom the adjustment is made should be given to HOD along with date and timings of extra classes planned to compensate the missing class.
- Unplanned leave or planned leave for more than three consecutive days or leave taken on LOP would be forwarded to chairman for approval. In such case it should be properly supported.
- Vacations can be availed only after the completion of semester.
General Guidelines
- Teachers have to wear the ID cards inside the campus at all times without fail.
- Teachers are not allowed to use the phone neither in the class nor in the corridors.
- Teachers having any grievances with the students in the class should be brought to HOD immediately.
- All the teachers should make sure that students are wearing the ID cards at all times while on campus.
- Students should not be allowed to use the mobile in the class or in the corridors. The teacher has all the rights to confiscate the phone if seen using.
- Students should not be allowed during the class hours to go out either for taking photocopy or for canteen.
- Students absenting themselves for more than three consecutive classes should be directed to HOD or the name of the student is to be informed to HOD.
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. Muniraja H | Administrator |
2 | Ms. Anuradha MS | Sr.Office Executive |
3 | Ms. Anitha Ramachandran | Sr.Office Executive |
4 | Ms. Jyothibala Rupa | Sr.Office Executive |
5 | Ms. Mettapalle Vakula | Office Executive |
6 | Mr. Manjunatha CN | Out Door Assistant |
7 | Mr. Ravikumar | Librarian |
8 | Ms. Gowri R | Assistant Librarian |
9 | Mr. Siddalingamurthy B R | Physical Education Instructor |
10 | Mr. SP Phrasath Phiravin | Lab Instructor |
11 | S Pyati Vinayaka | Lab Instructor |