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Creative Painting

Name of the event: Creative Painting

Date and Time :   15/12/2022 , 1:30 PM

Venue :  Quadrangle

Event Head : Ms. Kampa belliappa

Club Head :  Ms. Sanjitha N S

Sub Head :  Ms. Geethanjali S

Winners  : First Place: Sanjitha N S (5th BCA)

Second Place: Gayathri S (5th BCA)

Third Place: Rahul B Kabbin (5th BCA)


The event “Creative Painting” is a single-round competition designed to determine the winners among the 22 participants. The participants were given one and a half hours to complete their paintings. This was judged by M S Divya.

After one and a half hours, the participants were called to be seated in the arrangement made in the quadrangle, and they were called upon to present their paintings to our judges. Our judges analyzed their paintings, and participants were assigned points on a scale of 0 to 30 by the judges. Two winners were then announced.

This round was judged based on creativity, overall creativity in painting, and clarity of the conveyed message. Contestants were allowed to use any sort of paints, chart papers, or materials at their convenience. We successfully completed the event with two winners. This event was not only a competition but also a session to impart knowledge.

 Student Co-ordinators     –       Sanjitha N S , Geethanjali               

Faculty Co-ordinator      –        Ms. Kampa Belliappa