Dr. Reena Jain

Student Counselor
Mobile no.: 9886312254
Email address:

Counseling center was established in 2014 to understand the mindset of young generation and to help them in their personal, social, behavioral and emotional issues which hinders in their academic growth. Counseling works on overall personality development of students. It is a process to enable a person to deal with daily life challenges and empower them to understand their inner and outer strength and enable them for right choices and decisions in life. In this process a personal space of mutual trust is created where student can share his/her concerns in an accepting, nonjudgmental and confidential environment. In entire process student feels he/she genuinely listened to and get an insight to choose the right path for himself /herself.

In New Horizon College initially counselor goes to each classes to give an induction program for counseling services, role of a counselor and its importance in their life. This helps to remove the stigma related to counseling and make them comfortable to approach a counselor in their campus.

This initial induction is to make them familial with the counselor. So that they can easily approach a counselor. Counselor also conduct some personality development sessions ,workshops/seminar on currents issues which effect the life of students as addiction of technology, interpersonal relationship, substance abuses etc. Sometimes students are referred by teachers/Principal and some time they come by themselves (self- walk in) to a counsellor. New Horizon College provides individual, group and family counseling in the campus.

A Counselling Cell functions in the college. The in-house teaching faculty double up to prepare young minds to embrace reality with grace. In the changing scenario, counseling cell plays a vital role in an educational institution.  Student support cell builds confidence among students to be better individuals.

Teachers in charge of counseling cell brainstorm and arrive at humane and effective ways of positive reinforcement of fresh values that are innovative in appeal and lasting on the memory.’Empowering with both life-skills and ethical fiber’ is the theme of our cell. Students should not get diverted by the wrong influences of the local environment but should be able to see, discern, embrace and enable a new value system within his/her own immediate space.

The methodology of the counseling varies from case to case, but broadly speaking it is more parental in nature, using behavioral psychology and empathy. No student is discriminated against, but is made to feel positive about the need to change for a better tomorrow.