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Date: 13th December 2023                                

Time: 10:00 am TO 2:00 pm

Title of the Event: Business Conundrum Quest

Target Audience: Students of BBA, B.COM, BCA

Venue: Tejas seminar hall

Organized by: Management Club

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Jyoti Harsha Shetty  & Ms. Pallavi N

Student Coordinator: Ms. Dristhi Singla  & Ms. Thrisha Raj T

About the Session/event:

The Management Club successfully organized the “BUSINESS CONUNDRUM QUEST” on 13th December at Tejas Seminar Hall. The event drew participants from various academic backgrounds, including BBA, BCOM, and BCA, creating a diverse and competitive atmosphere.

  • Event Overview:

The quiz featured three engaging rounds designed to test participants’ business acumen, creativity, and communication skills.

  1. Auctioned Intelligence:

The first round saw participants facing a unique challenge with multiple-choice questions conducted in an auction format. This innovative twist added an element of strategy to the traditional quiz, making it both intellectually stimulating and entertaining.

  1. Emoticon Enigma:

The second round took a visual approach, presenting participants with emoticons and images. Participants had to decipher and identify business or accounting terms associated with the displayed visuals. This round not only tested their knowledge but also added a fun and interactive element to the competition.

  1. Guess What:

The final round, aptly named “Guess What,” required teamwork. Pairs of participants collaborated to communicate and identify business terms. One participant provided clues, and the other had to deduce the correct term. This round emphasized effective communication and understanding between team members.

  • Conclusion:

“BUSINESS CONUNDRUM QUEST” proved to be a resounding success, offering an enriching experience for both participants and organizers. The event not only tested participants’ business knowledge but also emphasized teamwork, strategic thinking, and effective communication – essential skills in the dynamic world of business.The Management Club looks forward to organizing more such events that not only challenge the intellect but also promote a spirit of camaraderie and learning within the academic community.

The Winners of the Business Conundrum Quest are

  • 1st Prize : Mr. Pughazh Eshwar S & Mr. Pavan Kumar
  • 2nd Prize : Mr. Srijan Gupta & Mr. Vishnu Patel
  • 3rd Prize : Ms. Harshitha SM & Ms. Deekshitha P