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Business Cartooning

Date: 3rd December, 2023   

Time: 12:30 pm- 3:30 pm

Title of the Event: “BUSINESS CARTOONING

Venue: Quadrangle

Target Audience:  B.COM, BBA, BCA

Organized by: Commerce Club 

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. DIVYA M

Student Coordinator: Mr. Abhinav Pradeep, Ms. Sonu Kataria

 About the event: 

Commerce Club in association with IQAC conducted an event based on spontaneity, Subject knowledge, and teamwork for B.COM students.


  1. To help the students build team spirit.
  2. To help the students to develop competitive spirit.
  3. To help the students gain more knowledge and experience innovatively.
  4. To help the students develop time optimization.
  5. To help the students with confidence and potential to support individual learning.                   

The Commerce Club in association with IQAC conducted an event “BUSINESS CARTOONING” on 3.1.2024. The competition took place in Quadrangle. The competition was based on cartooning related to Office Humor, Technology and Businesses, Economic Trends, Corporate Culture, and Work-life balance. The participants were given a time limit of one hour and thirty minutes to finish their cartooning. The participants later had to present the artwork for about three minutes.

The judgment criteria were based on artwork, creativity, humor, and presentation.

The winners of the competition were

1st place – Madan R V & Kaviyarasu  5th B.com

2nd place – Anirban Roy 5th B.com

3rd place –  Priya B N & Suman  5th BCA


The students were able to develop a competitive spirit and increase their creativity. It also helped them to develop time management.