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Name of the event: BGMI TOURNAMENT Club : Drishya Club

Date and Time: 21st July, 2023 ; 1pm onwards

Cultural coordinator   : Mrs. Kampa Belliappa

Student coordinator  : Rahul (Head), Mohammed Shihaan (Sub Head)

No. of Volunteers : 20

Event Description:

Inclusive BGMI Tournament was an event conducted on 21stjuly, 2023. The event was a major success as all the participants and volunteers from New Horizon College, Marathahalli, enjoyed it.

Preparation: Our team had diligently worked behind the scenes to ensure a seamless and exhilarating experience for all participants. From meticulously planning the tournament format coordinating with our technical team, every aspect of the event is being meticulously curated to exceed expectations.

Volunteer Involvement: Our volunteers played a pivotal role in creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere for all

Participation Criteria: Participants should have latest version of BGMI App,and also participants should get there own gaming accessories according to their Participants shouldn’t use any Hacked BGMI Id’s.

Registration process: It was started on 14th july 2023 using google forms and over 132 participants registered for the event.


1st prizeManjunath MCU19KU21M0234

Koushik M R Gautham

Mohammad Suhel


U19KU21M0014 U19KU21M0037

2nd prizeSujan GU19KU22C0135
 Sai PrajwalU19KU22M0163
 Adarsh s GowdaU19KU22M0078
3rd prizeMohammed ShabarakR2014660
 Prithwish SarkarR2014674
 Sudeep RamanandR2014699

In conclusion, the event has been an exhilarating journey filled with unforgettable moments and fierce competition. As organizers, we are immensely proud of the incredible talent and dedication showcased by all participants, whose passion for the game has truly elevated the tournament to new heights.