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Best Manager

Name of the event : Best Manager
Name of the Club : Literary Club
Date and Time : 03/02/2020; 04/02/2020; 07/02/2020
Venue : Chanakya Seminar Hall
Event Head : Ardra Ashok
Student Coordinators: Hari Krishna, Ashutosh Panda

Winners : First Place: Karthik Iyer(VI BCA)
Second Place: Aditi Gupta (II BCOM A)
Third Place: Manoj Prabhakar (II BBA B)

Event Description:
The event Best Manager took place over a span of 3 days comprising of 4 intricate rounds of selection and filtering to figure out who amongst the 19 initial participants is the BEST MANAGER amongst them. The first preliminary round was conducted on 03/02/20 and was aMCQ test. Only the top 6 qualified for the next round that was held on that very day. The 2nd round was JAM(Just A Minute) where the contestants were given a random topic on the spot and they would have to share their views on said topic for 1 minute. This was judged by Prof. Arun from the MBA Block. A run The next round was held the next day 04/02/20 in room 005. This round was crisis management. The contestants were each given a different crisis the day before and they had to present their take and solutions on given crisis.This event was judged by Prof.Seshu from
the MBA department.
The final 2 rounds were held on 07/02/20 in Chanakya Seminar Hall. Only 3 contestants made it to the final 2 rounds. The former round was that each contestant had to provide a business model for his/her unique product. The final round was stress management and work under pressure. Both these rounds were judged by Prof. Arun Raghubabu from the MBA department and Dr.Sowmya Narayanan from the Life Skills Department. The final victor and the Best Manager was KARTHIK N IYER. Student Co-ordinator Faculty Co-ordinator