Mock MUN

Event Name: Mock MUN

Date: 1 October 2024

Timings: 9:30-12:30

Target Audience: BBA, BCA & BCOM

Venue: Room no. A-001

Organized by:  Adhya-Literary Club

Faculty Coordinator: Ms. Purva Paliwal

Student coordinator: Niraad Bhuva(U19KU22S0022), Lenny Elizabeth Jacob(U19KU23S0078)

No. of Participants: 14

Brief description of the event: In this meeting, the club head and the subhead briefed the participants on the introduction to MUN. The mock MUN session was a great success, as multiple participants took the initiative to speak on their given topic. The club head and subhead made the participants speak fluently by practising their topics.

Activities Conducted: Mock MUN Session